
Coding Galaxy App

Nurture 21st-century skills and computational thinking skills in game-based learning

Available on iOS, Android, Windows and Chromebook devices


Basic Navigation

Learning Objectives

Computational Thinking

Induction and Deduction



Algorithmic Thinking

Testing and Debugging

Coding Concepts


Pattern Recognition


Conditional Logic



App Features

For beginnersYoung learners without prior programming knowledge, can learn the basics and achieve learning goals stage-by-stage, interfacing advanced programming or STEAM education in the future.
AI Learning AnalyticsThe AI-powered engine measures students’ knowledge mastery level continuously by tracking their progress, weaknesses and provide adaptive follow-ups to aid struggling learners.
Gamified LearningLearning games are designed and aligned with international computer science education standards. There are 3 learning modes to suit various learning environments and learning goals.
Instructional ScaffoldingGames are scaffolding, with clear instructions and hints to let students learn through trial and error on their own. Students will become less reliant on external support and be capable to complete missions independently.

Learning Modes


Empower active learning

Designed for absolute beginners to advanced learners

Comprising 200+ levels to complement self-motivated and personalized learning

Real-time learning reports for teachers

Editor tool to create your own level / mission

Applicable to classroom activities, assignments and self-learning


Foster communication skills

Designed for collaborative problem solving training

2 or 4 participants in a team

Team participants analyze problems and draw up solutions together through communication and coordination

Suitable for classroom activities

Join the global community

Join the course for computational thinking and experience a complete learning journey with a series of interactive classes with individual and group activities to improve all-round ability and life skills.